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Guest Blogger Hope on Plant-based Food


For all of the food lovers out there, hi! This is for you!

My name is Hope. You can find me on Instagram @localplanteater where I share my own, as well as my favorite simple yet delicious plant-based recipes for everyone and sustainability tips/ideas.

3 years ago, I decided to change my lifestyle to an all plant-based diet. My reasons were at first (and still are these reasons to this day) for animals, the environment and my own health. I never realized how much of a toll that the animal farming industry had on our planet. I spent hours doing research as I actually had a project on animal farming at the time, which helped with my decision to the transition. I highly recommend those who are interested in finding out more information about animal agriculture and the effects on the environment to watch some documentaries, read some books and do some online searching! I already before was a complete tree hugger, save the planet, recycle, use less plastic type of gal, but after learning all of this information I decided it was only morally right of me to incorporate this diet into my own life.

After 3 years, I have never felt better. Not only was I able to sleep better at night knowing every day I am trying to do my part, but my morals lined up too. I am the most energetic I have ever been, psychically fit and healthy! I am a “to each their own” plant eater, I would never push someone into this lifestyle, only share my story!

A plant-based diet is so great for the environment. Yes, I am producing waste still with the skin and left-over parts of some fruits and veggies, and other containers that store nuts, nut milks, crackers, oats and all those great things. But it gives me the opportunity to freeze the leftovers, and to compost them. I had such great results last year in my garden with my compost, and I am already starting up this year’s compost! A great idea as well is to replant some of your own left-over vegetable roots, to regrow your own produce! There are a bunch of great Youtube videos on that idea. As well as purchase a large amount of my foods in bulk, and at bulk food stores! When I was living alone in my first year of University and purchasing my own groceries, my groceries were less than $25.00 a week. I had my bulk products that lasted me months, and my produce was a weekly purchase. Purchasing in bulk is a feel-good activity, and we ALL know it looks so good in your cupboard with all of your glass bulk containers. You will also be wiser with what you are purchasing, you will be able to see how much of what you have left, what you actually need, or is it just an impulse purchase. I believe that bulk shopping for food is a great idea for those who are on a budget or are trying to save a few extra dollars.

One can never be ashamed or feel bad when they purchase something with a bit of extra waste than wished. If we all do our part, and try our best to limit our waste, it all adds up. Jumping to a sustainable lifestyle can be small actions and small steps here and there. For example, like mentioned before, purchasing your foods in bulk. Maybe the next step will be to start purchasing your shampoo and soaps in bulk, switch to reusable cotton swabs and makeup remover wipes. It all adds up and that’s what matters. The same thing goes with a plant-based diet. Slowly but surely one can incorporate more fruits and greens into their daily consumption, and less dairy, then less meat. Every small step and change matters. Even if it is just one meal a day, you may feel the difference and you may end up loving not only the way it tastes, but makes you feel!

One of my go to meal ideas is a protein smoothie bowl. It is packed with vitamins and feel good ingredients. It is honestly one of my comfort foods, and this recipe I am sharing is my go to smoothie bowl for the last bit. Another great part about this recipe is it’s made with no waste products. All of these ingredients are able to be added to my compost, (fruit peels) and all of the toppings and protein powder are bought in bulk at my local bulk store.

You will need:

For your smoothie base:

1 frozen banana (if you do not have one frozen, you may use a ripe one but also with a handful of ice)

1 scoop of vegan vanilla protein powder

¼ cup of water (more may be needed, if you want a thick consistency use the least amount possible)

1 cup of mixed frozen strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries


Hemp hearts

Pumpkin seeds




Cacao nibs

How to:

  1. Add all ingredients for the smoothie into your blender.

  2. Add as much water as wished

  3. Once it is all mixed, place your creation in a bowl

  4. Add all of your toppings, get creative with it! It’s so much fun

  5. Enjoy!

I hope you have a chance to try out this recipe and I hope that you loved this post as much as I loved writing it. Wishing you all lots of health, love and safety at this time! Remember to not be hard on yourself, try something new and remember that each small step is one step closer to something more.

All the best,

Your Local Plant Eater, AKA Hope.


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