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Sustainable materials; things to think about regarding interior purchases

Writer's picture: Emma WannerEmma Wanner

Coming to materials regarding interior, both claddings and construction materials, but also furniture and decoration elements, it is a never ending discussion and there is more than one right thing. It is hard to know how to make the "right" choice and usually, it is not easy to even find one. But some things make it a little easier.

Let's start with some basics that both you and the environment will benefit from.

  • Planning

One easy thing, especially regarding decorative elements, is planning. Will it actually give you value in the space or is it just a temporary solution to an empty shelf? In that case, it will most likely be replaced in the near future. Make Pinterest boards, start writing lists, do a small research about the stores/website around you. H&M home and ZARA home is not always the solution. Invest time even in the small things, it will be worth it in the end.

  • Think about what will invest in your well-being in the space.

(This concept may vary depending on where you are from. In the USA, for example, this situation is sadly not always the case. An interesting article, by New Republic arguing against this concept I'm promoting HERE)

If the aesthetic is not of importance think about the practicality, or of course both. Let's take a sofa as an example. Spending that extra money now sucks, but buying a high qualitative coach will last you years, and if you get feed up with the look of it you can re-upholster it. Also, the idea of saving. That concept to many is almost gone. Don't buy that sofa that you see everywhere on Instagram for it to be replaced two years later when a new ad comes out by a "fast-furniture" company. If you are a person who gets tired of things quickly. Buy second hand. Saves both money and production.

  • Again planning, planning, planning.

What furniture is needed and why? Always ask that why. What why can be, that item can bring you joy and that is a valid reason, but double-check yourself. Draw a basic sketch of the room/apartment/house and start applying furniture.

  • The Life length of the material

When choosing material for renovation or building new. Think about this.

For example, carpet has almost a 10x shorter life length than a hardwood floor. Also, it can not be altered the way a hardwood floor can.

  • Grey energy

The quantity of energy that is taken from the site where the materials are made to the place it should be installed. There is a whole science behind calculating it but a bit of common sense goes a long way as well as quick researches.

  • If an aesthetic can be replaced by a more sustainable material.

For example, any kind of marble with a more locally or ethically sourced stone, printed ceramics etc.

Printed ceramics by Nymo tile, Syros collection Real marble

This is just a few things out of many, but some things you might never heard of or just needed a little reminder of. Is it something you don't agree with? Please let me know, would love to hear your thoughts.


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